Wednesday, May 8, 2019

daily sketch (traditional): "Dunkeys"

I'm starting to have a lot of fun finding more things I haven't drawn. I'm sure any professional artists or students reading will be surprised by some of these, but I've honestly always just drawn fantasy things like robots, dragons, and the such that I'm starting to realize there's a lot I'm not able to draw upon (no pun intended) because I've never studied wider subjects from life- like the lawnmower from a few days ago, and now- the dunkeys. 

Yesterday somehow a conversation with my mom lead her to asking if I'd drawn a donkey before- I have not. I changed that today. I've been told it's always better to draw from life, but one of the biggest conveniences today for artists is being able to bring up any subject matter you want on Google and you have instant reference. These were my morning sketches from reference I found online (the bottom one being shaded and colored while on break at work). 

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